Hello from my home Studio & some thoughts about it

I've been more quiet and silent these last few months, partly because I needed to rest after the pandemic chaos and partly because I was seriously thinking about the direction I want my art and my business to follow.
In those moments, I try to make a pause and be in the present. No overthinking... and one of the ways I ´ve found to do that was doing my job consciously and trying to portrait that in a series of images that later, make me think about my emotions and reflections about that particular moment.
I always love pictures, seeing and taking them, but it wasn't until I started taking it as a way of connection with myself, my way of seeing and how I want to express myself that I felt a change in me.
So that is what I try to do when taking pictures of places, moments: evoke some kind of feeling, that instant precious and ordinary moments, little sacred rituals that makes us feel alive, in peace.

I hope it inspires to look for your special moments,
with love & soul